Returning to Kobulubulu! Follow along on Facebook
/krma-USPartners' President Lois Stovall and Vice-President Christine Poulon arrive in Kampala on May 27 after 21 hours of airtravel. Before leaving for Kobulubulu we will need to pick up supplies including enough reusable sanitary Afripad kits to enable over 150 girls to stay in school during their monthly periods. We will also visit with our local supplier of soccer balls and pumps, and other needed items. Whenever we have internet, we will post photos, and a brief narrative. Please "follow" us here
KRMA member Proscovia facilitates small group during 2016 Record keeping training
For those of you who sent us Wish List supplies, thank you! Amazon doesn't identify you so unless you email us, we can't thank you individually but SO appreciate your support.
In Kobulubulu, Christine will be leading us in our 2018 training event where we take the women "the next needed step" to assist them in becoming entrepreneurs who can grow increasingly efficient with their small businesses. This year will focus on how budget planning can be a tool to increasing profits. We will let you know how this goes.
Our most important activity will be listening! As many of our donors know, the Cassava Project was designed under a reinvestment model to encourage KRMA women to grow more self-sufficient with each year. The women farmers have been busy doing just that, and increase their responsibility for more of their budget each year. This allows krma-USPartners to invest in other ways such as our tuition scholarships for KRMA daughters.
As we look towards KRMA's continuing development, we want to listen and share ideas about other ways that we can support KRMA's education goals, and facilitate KRMA members' growing ability to assist all their children in attaining their vocational dreams, whether in farming or other endeavors.
When we return to Kampala, we will be visiting with our friend, the Kaberamaido District's MP, Veronica Eragu (without whom there would be no krma-USPartners!) and local organizations where our U.S. contacts have made introductions. We value these friendships greatly and hope to attract more involvement in Kaberamaido District where Kobulubulu is located through our conversations.