Two KRMA Daughters Receive Scholarships and KRMA Update
/Sunday, April 15, 2018, 11:45 a.m. , Christ Congregational Church in Silver Spring, MD. We will be providing photos and an in depth update for our local supporters. Please join us!
Anna Akado at Uganda Christian University, Kampala with Lois Stovall, krma-USPartners
First, our apologies for the long silence in updating all the progress of the Cassava Project. But while our reporting is slow, our women farmers in Kobulubulu continue to stretch their wings and show signs of initiative and modernization. Agricultural consultant Arthur Kiiza keeps us up to date after his site visits. Plans are underway for Board members here in the U.S. to visit Kobulubulu in early June.
On our trip to Uganda, we also will meet with our two daughters of KRMA members who are attending university in Kampala on scholarship from krma-USPartners!
Sarah Adoo on left, with friend, at Makerere University, Kampala
Anna Akado and Sarah Adoo have set a high standard for future scholarship recipients as they study hard, submit periodic reports, send in their marks, and "give back" to their home community of Kobulubulu. On their home visits, these young women help us with communication and reinforcing record-keeping with KRMA members. Anna has visited local schools to help set up accountability for school attendance by girls in secondary schools who receive feminine hygiene products from krma-USPartners through our collaboration with Uganda-based AfriPads. Sarah has helped us set up a SKYPE link which we hope will serve to make face-to-face internet visits with KRMA women possible.
Our goal in 2018 is to raise $7500 to offer a third KRMA daughter a tuition scholarship for post-secondary education, either technical school or university, and to continue support of Anna and Sarah as they complete their respective degrees in accounting and financial management. Each scholarship recipient applies for a tuition scholarship with our Education Fellowship Committee which asks for written essays, recommendations from former teachers, acceptance to an accredited institution in Uganda, and an in-person interview with a Committee member who lives in Kampala.
We are always SO appreciative of your support and encouragement.